Artiste Contemporain
( Movie,Installation,Picture,Costume,Performance )
Nationalité japonaise / Born in 1984
Contemporary artist(Installation,Movie,Picture,Photo)
Solo Exhibition
2012 [No Future/No Past] sottoprodotto / Kagawa,Japon
2011 [MODERATO] La loingtaine/Montigny-sur-loing,France
[Dedication] Tokiwa Art Gallery / Kagawa,Japon
2010 [peinture sans tableau] sottoprodotto/Kagawa,Japon
[MEIMETU] ITARIAN erbaggio/Kagawa,Japon
2009 [No title] gallery ARTE / Honjima,Japon
Group Exhibition
2017 | L'Aurore de Paysage| VILLA 88 / Bordeaux, France
2015 | figure and ground of the temperature] Shionoe Museum of Art / Kagawa,Japon
| Artists] Fukiage art museum / Okayama,Japon
2013 [Kagawa Yamanami Art Festival] Kotonami Elementary school / Kagawa,Japon
[Honjima Art Project 2013] aki House/Honjima,Japon (Kagawa Prefecture Foundation for Arts and Cultural Promotion for 2013)
2012 [Open Atelier] La Fonderie Pôle de création artistique / Fontenay sous Bois,France
2011 [East Japon Earthquake] galleryCOEXIST / Tokyo,Japon
[une certaine atmosphère de complicité] Espaces des arts sans frontières / Paris
[KAGAWART2011] digmeout ART&DINER / Osaka-Tenmaya.Kagawa,Japon
[shiwakuhonjima] gallery ARTE / Honjima,Japon
2006 [A.I.R La loingtaine] Montigny-sur-loing,France
2011 [A.I.R Espaces des arts sans frontières] Paris,France
[A.I.R La loingtaine] Montigny-sur-loing,France
Costume design
2010 [l’oeuf] sunport-hall Takamatu / Kagawa,Japon
Movie Collaboration
2018 [Egon Schiele , Life keeping flowing invites time to the body] Puppenwerke Ikuko MIYAZAKI xMovie HANNA
[Strings, commissaire: Gaël Charbau, Drawing Lab, Paris (FR)
2017 [Erewhon] (Akira KUGIMACHI x HANNA
2012 [ONE] Music COET COCOEH × Movie HANNA
2012 [Covert cruise] Music bubbles × Movie HANNA
[The group of a flamingo which waits for the morning sun ,The reviving peach color dances] Music bubbles × Movie HANNA
[Fragmentary memory] Music bubbles × Movie HANNA
[tiny,tiny] Music bubbles × Movie HANNA
Performance unit
2014 [Old Fujita hospital Art project] Old Fujita surgery / Kagawa,Japon
[FUKUYAMA ART WALK 2014] FUKUJYU Hall / Hiroshima,Japon
2015 [INUJIMA JIKAN 12] Inujima / Okayama,Japon
E-mail ha.nnn@mac.com
HP https://www.ha-nnn.art
Blog https://ha-nnn.blogspot.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ha.ecritur
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/huuuhnnn